Joy Susan is a leader in the vegan-leather handbag, jewelry and accessory markets, constantly working to develop new pieces that maintain high standards for material, durability, and workmanship. We were a bit reluctant to add a non-leather bag line to the inventory at Belle Starr, as we generally connected faux leather or “pleather” with shoddy products that fell apart in a short period of time. The wide selection of fun colors and styles made us overcome our trepidation and give them a try. Now, over three years later, we know the risk was worth it. Joy Susan bags have proven themselves durable, providing customers with a significant value. We’re sure you’ll like your Joy Susan bag as much as we love ours!
Style: Classic Hobo
One of the top-selling Joy Susan purses is the hobo tote. Each hobo handbag also comes with a removable insert bag that doubles as snap-in lining to the bag, or can be removed and worn as a crossbody bag.
Colors:Use the pull-down Color menu to rotate through images. The first color listed is the bag color. The second color listed is the color of the handle and interior bag. (Shown in Tealish/Coffee for style only.)
Dimensions (main bag):12″ high, 14″ wide, 6″ deep
Dimensions (removable tote): 9″ high, 12″ wide, 3″ deep
All Joy Susan bags are 100% Polyurethane (vegan leather)
Features (main bag):
Features(removable tote):